Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: A Comprehensive Discussion

When we're children, we used to take the help of excuses to delay our bed time. And even when we turn adults, we're using the same tactics which is called revenge bedtime procrastination.

There are various reasons which don't allow us to sleep. Sometimes we voluntarily delay our bed time and sometimes there are other reasons. Whatever the case, if you're not having sufficient sleep, you will likely have problems. That's why it's recommended to visit a sleep specialist at the earliest.

What Does It Actually Mean By Revenge Bedtime Procrastination?

When we intentionally delay our bedtime for some other reasons such as watching movies, scrolling social media and spending time, it's called revenge bedtime procrastination.

The reason why it's called 'revenge' is that people often feel they lack control during the day which causes them to search for more 'me' time. As a result, putting off sleep acts as a means of 'revenge'.

Why Do People Want More "Me" Time?

According to human psychology, people think they're depried of having command over time. Therefore, they use revenge bedtime procrastination as a means to carve out some time. By sabotaging the sleep, they're actually taking a revenge out on themselves.

How to Avoid Revenge Bedtime Procrastination?

  • When it's lunch time, step away from the computer and have a walk. Doing some yoga can also help you get your blood moving.

  • It's recommended to take at least a 15-minutes break during your waking hours. A small nap can also help you in this regard.

  • If you're working from home, it's important for you to create a work-life balance. Make sure you are able to create a clear distinction between work-life and personal-life.

  • Powering down all your screens even before one hour prior to your bedtime should be your choice. You can also set up alarm to tackle revenge bedtime procrastination.

  • Sometimes saying 'no' is enough. Why would you overcompensate yourself for unessential things? Eliminate what you can to give yourself more time.

  • If you're still not having quality sleep, it's time to see a sleep specialist. Get yourself prepared and schedule an appointment.

Find a Sleep Specialist

Having quality sleep is essential to achieve a healthy body as well as mind. Whether it's insomnia or something else that's causing you trouble, you must visit TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Oklahoma. Pick up your phone and schedule an appointment.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.