Dental Implants or Mini Implants: Which Is Better for Me?

Nowadays, dental implants are one of the most popular methods of replacing missing teeth. Doctors mainly suggest doing a dental implant if there are no other alternatives. But it is also true that dental implants are not meant for everybody and there comes mini-implants. Both are the same but as the name suggests, mini-implants are operated in a small area. A TMJ dentist does dental implants from 3.5mm to 8mm whereas the latter occur 2.9mm in diameter or less. Let's explore the difference between them, their effectiveness, lifespan.

What Are Mini Dental Implants?

Like dental implants, mini-implants provide the same solution to the problem. But the difference is, it is operated in a small area and may take a shorter time than traditional dental implants. The TMJ dentist can easily use it in jawbones as it does not require many bones. It is also made differently than the traditional one. The experts attach a small bone with the implants on one side so that it can keep the artificial tooth very easily.

How Long Can Dental Implants Last?

Both implants have a certain lifespan, and they have a 100 percent success rate compared to other dental surgeries. If you do not follow the post implants treatment care tips and keep on using tobacco, do not see the dentist regularly and have poor hygiene habits, then you may experience dental failure over time. The fact is without these exceptions, patients can get the benefits from the dental implants for approx. 15 years.

The Lifespan of Mini Implants

Compared to dental implants, mini-implants have a short lifespan. After the TMJ doctor does a mini-implant on the affected area, you may get six to nine-year of longevity from these implants. You must also remember that mini-implants can be a failure if you do not maintain proper dental hygiene or use tobacco-based products.

Advantages of Mini Implants

  1. Quick Process

    The expert can do mini implants very quickly and it does not take much time compared to traditional dental implants. There is also absolutely no need to make an incision in the gum. You may have to spend around 30 minutes to complete the procedure.

  2. Fewer Problems

    If you go through dental implants, then you may experience difficulties for a few weeks. But in the mini -implants procedure, you do not have to face many difficulties and may recover from this condition within a few days.

Let's Get Started

You may get numerous information about mini -implants on the internet but talking with a TMJ dentist is a must-to-do thing. Only the expert can evaluate your condition and make a suitable decision for you. Contact TMJ & Sleep Therapy Center of Oklahoma City or stop by so that they can help you further in OKC!

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.