Are You Sleeping Enough At Night?

We all grow up bound in timelines. Starting from our school timings to study times to flight times to movie times – you think of a scenario and you will see that it is related to a timeline. But when it comes to sleep, have you paid enough attention to the sleep time? How many hours of sleep do you need? If you are about to say 8 hours, stop right now. We are not talking about any generic number here. Your sleep requirement depends on your lifestyle. So, if you have never been to a sleep clinic before, you can start educating yourself by reading this article.

Your sleep needs Defer from Everyone Else’s Needs:

The first thing that you need to understand is that you are a unique individual. If your social or personal requirements are different from others, it is natural that your sleep needs are also not the same. Your sleep, like anybody else, changes as you grow. The younger we are, the more we sleep. As we grow, we spend more awake time. As we get even older, we need even less sleep. However, according to the most known sleep clinic in OKC, your sleep requirements depend on a couple of factors. Those are:

  • Your genes determine your sleep pattern and requirements. If you belong to a gene that needs less sleep than the ones that need more sleep, you can stay awake longer than others.

  • Your health, both mental and physical also determine how much sleep you need. If you are stressed out, you will require more sleep than you normally do. However, stress can lead to anxiety and that can hamper your sleep cycle. So, you should visit the nearest sleep clinic if you are experiencing problematic sleep cycle.

  • If you are an athlete or you are into intense training, your body will require more sleep to recover from the physical stress.

Your Ultimate Goal

Your ultimate goal is to get adequate amount of sleep so that you feel well rested. If you sleep less, you will feel groggy, you may have headaches. But if you sleep well, you will feel fresh, energetic, and healthy. So, your target is to find out that specific bracket of time that gives you the perfect amount of sleep that you need.

Believe it or not, over sleeping can also cause the same problems that you may notice when you sleep less. Visit a sleep clinic to identify your sleep requirements. TMJ & Sleep Therapy Center of Oklahoma City can help you sleep better.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.