TMJ disorders: Types, Symptoms and Treatments

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the jawbone to the skull. The joint is found on both sides of the head in front of the ears. It acts like a sliding hinge allowing the jaw to open and close. A TMJ disorder disrupts the actions you perform using this joint. You feel pain while doing simple movements like laughing, talking, chewing if you get such disorders. Before opting for TMJ treatment, see the details here.


There are three main types of TMJ disorders:

  • Internal Derangement of the Joint

Displacement of the TMJ disc, a dislocated jaw, or lower back injury can lead to TMJ disorders.

  • Degenerative Joint Disease

Degeneration or inflammation may happen due to the aging of the joint. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or a perforated TMJ disc may result into this.

  • Myofascial Pain Disorder

When discomfort and pain occur in the muscles around your jaw joint, TMJ disorder can take place. Daytime bruxism, abnormal muscular function or nocturnal grinding may cause this disorder.


TMJ pain occurs due to various reasons. Arthritis, jaw injury, disk erosion are some possible causes, however the exact reason of a TMJ disorder is difficult to determine. Hence it is always advisable to consult a doctor to identify the cause and get proper TMJ treatment.


The symptoms vary with the cause of the pain. Some common symptoms include-

  1. Neck pain

  2. Aching pain in and around your ear

  3. Stiffness in the muscles of the jaw

  4. Locking of the jaw

  5. Popping or clicking sound from the TMJ site

  6. Dental issues

  7. Pain while chewing

  8. Ringing in the ear

  9. Vertigo

  10. Headaches

  11. Malocclusion (shift in the jaw, changing the way that the upper and lower teeth align)

Go for TMJ treatment if any of these symptoms arises.


You must seek medical attention if there is persistent pain in your jaw or you have problems while opening or closing your jaws. There are varieties of treatments for TMJ disorders. Home remedies have been proven successful in improving and even curing the TMJ symptoms.

Some home treatments are-

  • Eating soft foods

  • Using ice to reduce swelling

  • Reducing jaw movements

  • Reducing stress (stress management exercise)

  • Doing jaw-stretching exercises

If home treatments fail then there are medications and therapies based on your condition. If the pain is not eased by home remedies, medications, and therapies, then it requires some serious treatment like surgery. Talk with your doctor to decide the best TMJ treatment for you.

PreventionYou may not prevent the TMJ disorder from developing, but if you can change certain habits then it is possible to control and reduce the pain. Lowering your stress levels, correcting your posture, employing physical therapy and exercises, getting a good night’s sleep and consulting a dentist if there is any symptom, may save you from more serious issue.

Contact Us

TMJ disorders are not fatal, but if left untreated, can cause discomfort and pain in and around your jaw. Contact TMJ & Sleep Therapy Center of Oklahoma City to get the best TMJ treatment.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.