Knowing More About Bruxism

Bruxism can be defined as occasionally grinding or clenching your teeth. This is usually involuntary and can happen to anyone, be it young or old. This is not typically harmful, but if it starts happening on a regular basis, then it can damage your teeth and jaws. This can predominantly occur during the night time, so most people do not notice it until painful symptoms begin to manifest. If you are going through problems like loose teeth or jaw pain, then you can go to a jaw pain dentist as soon as possible. Let’s discuss about bruxism.

Defining Bruxism

Bruxism can be defined as “habitual clenching and grinding of the teeth.” It can hurt your jaw muscle and teeth and can cause Temporomandibular joints (TMJs), which connect your jaw bone to your skull and helps you to open and close your mouth. Tension in the muscle can cause painful “trigger points” that shift the pain to other parts of the face like gum, ear, and head. Studies suggest that it usually affects 10% of adults and up to 15% of children.

Type of Bruxism

Bruxism can either happen when you are awake or asleep through the grinding action is the same; these two are considered separate conditions.

Awake bruxism- In this, you clench and grind your jaw during the daytime, which can be caused by anxiety or stress. Awake bruxism doesn’t need to be treated by a jaw pain dentist, and you can notice and stop doing it.

Sleep Bruxism- Sleep bruxism can be more harmful as you do it without knowing it. This can lead to a person not noticing how strong they are clenching their teeth which can lead to severe problems. You should go to the jaw pain dentist as soon as you understand you have bruxism.

Reason for Bruxism

Teeth grinding is usually caused by stress and anxiety, but it can also happen because of an abnormal bite or missing or crooked tooth. It can also be caused by sleep apnea.

People Who are Mostly at Risk

Every gender can get bruxism at the same rate, but if you have a family history of teeth clenching, then you have a higher chance of getting it. Another risk factor involves people who are very driven and are prone to teeth grinding, who are addicted to smoking, or who take a particular anti-anxiety medication.

Get Your Teeth Checked Today!

If you are suffering from bruxism and need to see a jaw doctor, then the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Oklahoma can help you out. Here Dr. Gary B. Dempsey, who is a quadruple board-certified dentist, is known to deliver world-class care to his patients. Call to schedule your consultation today.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.