What Are Some Common Causes of Jaw Pain and Their Treatments?

The root cause of jaw pain or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can be elusive and difficult to discern. It is often a combination of different factors, such as injury, infection, sinuses, or even jaw arthritis. Bruxism is a fairly common condition where an individual subconsciously clenches their jaw and teeth. In some people, bruxism manifests as jaw pain, whereas in others it doesn’t cause any discomfort at all.

What Causes Jaw Pain?

We have already noted that jaw pain can be hard to pin on an exact factor. So instead, we made a list of probable conditions that may give rise to pain in the jaw.

  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder

TMJ disorders are almost synonymous with jaw pain. A person suffering from the above will experience tenderness in their jaw. At times, it is also accompanied by toothache or headache. TMJ disorders limit the movement of the jaw and can cause immense pain during activities like chewing. Patients have also reported stiffness along the neck and shoulder.

  • Bruxism

Bruxism is a condition associated with anxiety and stress. Many people also keep grinding their teeth even while asleep. Some studies have shown that bruxism also has ties with sleep apnea and genetics. Extreme cases of bruxism can result in fractured teeth.

  • Dental Problems

Another common cause of jaw pain is an ailment of the tooth. Cracked teeth and cavities cause a sharp, biting pain in the jaw. Tooth abscesses and gum diseases are some other culprits.

  • Sinusitis

If your jaw pain is caused by a sinus infection, you can identify it by the accompanying symptoms. Sinusitis includes symptoms of moderate to high fever, headache, facial pain and congestion. Sinusitis can also infect the ear, causing vertigo and troubled hearing.

  • Injury

And finally, an injury suffered can result in jaw pain. Blunt force trauma, a sports injury, a driving accident, all are probable situations.

IMPORTANT NOTE - The list of causes given above is by no means exhaustive. There can be many other reasons behind your jaw pain. These are simply the most common conditions that are usually found in patients.

Treatment Options for Jaw Pain

Jaw pain can be treated using different approaches. Self-care and medication are the most popular treatments. In very rare cases, a TMJ disorder might need surgical intervention.

  • Medication

Conditions like sinusitis or an ear infection can be treated using antibiotics. Other medications like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or muscle relaxants are administered too.

  • Self-Care

Bruxism can be improved by forming an awareness of triggers and avoiding them as much as possible. People can also train themselves to stop grinding their teeth so much. You can also try using a mouthguard. Mouthguards can be found at the local pharmacy, or you could get one custom-made at your dentist’s. Your jaw can also hurt from a wrong sleeping posture. Rectify your posture and get a couple of pillows to support your face right.

  • Surgery

Surgery is usually the last resort and only applied when the condition is severe. Examples include a fractured jaw or oral cancer.

We Can Help!

At TMJ & Sleep Therapy Center of Oklahoma, we treat Temperomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) with great efficiency and care. TMD causes people a lot of unnecessary pain and can interfere with the quality of their life. Not only that, TMD, when left untreated can turn into more severe health concerns.

Our team of Oklahoma City’s best oral physicians diagnose the cause of your TMD and formulate a custom treatment plan. Call us at (405) 947-0044 to know more.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.