The Surgery That Can End Jaw Pain: TMJ Surgery

TMJ disorder is known to cause pain in your jaws and muscle that control your jaws. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the jaw with the skull so that it can open and close. A TMJ dentist in Oklahoma City might first recommend conservative treatments like jaw exercise or pain relievers to understand if the pain is severe. If none of those treatments work, then they might recommend surgery. This is because very few treatments have been found to treat TMJ disorder in a non-invasive way. As a result, there isn’t much research that can confirm its long-term benefit.

Types of TMJ Surgery

There are many different procedures present for TMJ surgery. Your TMJ dentist will first evaluate your problems to understand if you need surgery. Some procedures are minimal, while others need to be performed in a hospital setting. Some of the TMJ surgery procedures are:

  • Arthrocentesis

This procedure is minimally invasive that involves injecting a liquid product inside your jaw so that any chemical by-product that might be inflaming your jaw, and causing joint pain can be reduced. This had a high success rate, and you can go home the same day. According to some studies, 80% of improvements have been recorded after this procedure. TMJ dentists mostly recommend this as this is the least invasive out of all the procedures.

  • Arthroscopy

This procedure is more invasive than arthrocentesis but less invasive in general. This is done by inserting a small hole above your jaw. A narrow tube, also known as a cannula, is inserted through that hole and goes to your joint. Your TMJ dentist can see your joint through the light and camera on the arthroscope. Once everything is seen and observed, your surgeon can operate on your jaw.

  • Joint Replacement

This is usually the last resort for patients who have a severe TMJ disorder. Your TMJ dentist would only recommend it if no other ways have worked. In this procedure, the whole or part of the jaw is removed.

Some of the Alternatives to Surgery

There are some alternative methods that can help you get rid of your pain. TMJ surgeries come with a huge amount of risk, and patients sometimes may suffer from nerve damage and ongoing pain. Some of the alternate procedures are:

  • Spray and stretch

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

  • Heat/cold pads

  • Pain relief appliance

  • Stabilization splints or jaw guard

  • TENS therapy

  • Muscle relaxation medication

  • SPG block

Some Basic Steps to Follow

Your TMJ dentist might tell you to follow some basic steps if you are suffering from this disorder. Some of those steps are:

  • Eating soft food

  • Using moist heat

  • Appling ice in the pain-affected areas

Get the Proper Treatment

Having jaw pain can severely affect your work and everyday life so getting it treated as soon as possible is the best thing to do. Here at TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Oklahoma City can provide you with the best care possible. We are just a call away.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.