Getting in Tune with the Less-Known Segmented Sleep Facts

Segmented sleep is not a new term to understand in Oklahoma City. But we are not sure how familiar you are with it. Hence, the post has arrived to wake you up from ignorance. Furthermore, you will know how sleep apnea treatment can help in such conditions.

This sleep procedure indicates the habit of sleeping for shorter periods the entire day. That means you must break the traditional mode of long, uninterrupted sleep. And believe us! We are aware of the questions you have in your mind. Is it a healthy habit? Can it cause complicated sleep disorders? And many more, for sure. So, why not add clarity to your vision with detailed information?

Understanding the Basic Concept

The usual Western lifestyles in Oklahoma City comprise sleeping in one block at night. For example- staying inactive from 11 pm to 7 am. In this traditional sleeping style, you don’t attempt to wake up during that period. However, as the name implies, segmented sleep indicates multiple sleeping blocks during a day.

You must have observed the life of a shift worker. While working late at night, they might get their first block of sleep. After a few more tasks or taking care of the family, they sleep again. But what about its aftereffects? What if your body doesn’t get the rest it deserves? Any complication would mean the need for a sleep apnea treatment.

The Vital Information Regarding Circadian rhythm

Before grasping the primary issue, we must understand a few facts about circadian rhythm. The 24-hour internal clock secretes melatonin after sunset to add a sleepy vibe. However, the moment we break sleep into segments, it confuses this rhythm we have within us. Like how? You might be asleep at times when the internal clock wants you to stay active. And that is how disturbance starts to develop. Let us share another crucial information. Our circadian rhythm also affects the digestive system. Hence, not having enough sleep at night can cause severe health complications.

What If You Are an Insomniac?

Should people with insomnia say Yes to segmented sleep? And are you thinking of giving it a try? Wait! Insomniac individuals struggle to relax their minds and bodies at night. Furthermore, with sleep deprivation comes exhaustion and imbalance throughout the day. Hence, it is important to step aside from such sleeping tactics.

We focus on the best sleep apnea treatment options at TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Oklahoma City. And if you need world-class care, our doctors can assure you of that. Now, no more compromising on health!

What do You need to Remember?

Although segmented sleep might seem helpful, it can cause severe health hazards. Disrupting your circadian rhythm can lead to numerous health disorders (including digestive complexities.) Therefore, having sound, quality sleep at night is vital.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.