7 Medically Approved Tips for Better Sleep During Pregnancy

Moms and dads of newborns encounter the inevitable reality of sleep deprivation, but for most parents, the sleepless nights begin even before the baby is born. Sleep specialists say pregnancy can cause sleep troubles due to excessive fluctuation of hormones, physiological shifts, and stressed-out bodily systems.

A good, uninterrupted shut-eye of at least 8 hours is critical to the well-being of mothers and developing fetuses. A significant number of would-be mothers report frequent nighttime awakenings, insomnia, poor sleep quality, and daytime fatigue during the second and third trimesters.

Tips to Sleep Better During Your Pregnancy

#1 Start Using a Pregnancy Pillow

Start sleeping with a pregnancy pillow if you are not yet. A pregnancy pillow can help you find a comfortable side sleeping position whilst making sure that your growing baby bump is well supported through the night.

In fact, you should start incorporating a pregnancy pillow into your sleep routine as early as 1 trimester into the pregnancy. The NHS also recommends that expectant mothers further along than 28 weeks should no longer sleep on their backs.

#2 Drink Small Amounts of Water

Many pregnant women do not drink water at night to avoid night-time trips to the toilet. This is considered to be a harmful practice; not only does it cause dehydration, but it also messes up your urinary system.

What you should do instead is drink small, measured amounts of water in the evening. Pee right before you go to bed so as to not wake up in the middle of the night.

#3 Avoid Spicy Food and Late Meals

Heartburn is a common ailment many mothers face while bearing their babies. It is best that you eat at least 2 hours before bed. Avoid spicy and large meals late at night.

#4 Light Workouts during the Day

Light workouts and daytime exercises will definitely help you with better sleep. Do note that you should stay away from intense exercise. Moderate your workout regimen depending on how far along you are.

Pregnancy yoga is another great way of relaxing before bed. Unlike exercise, yoga can be done any time of the day, even right before you go to sleep. It relaxes your muscles and prevents the hormones from wreaking havoc on your mind and body.

#5 Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

Improving your sleep hygiene is a sure-shot way to obtain quality shut-eye. Follow a routine, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Cut off-screen time before bed, if possible, and keep all electronics out of your sleeping quarters at night. If sleep seems to elude you, you can always try some non-stimulating activity like reading a book.

#6 Soothe Your Legs

Restless Leg Syndrome or RLS is extremely common in pregnant women. RLS is a condition that causes leg cramps and a strong urge to keep moving your legs at all times. To obtain relief, you can try gentle leg stretches before bed and a diet rich in calcium. If you get sudden cramps, try flexing the calf and thighs and place your leg on the footboard of the bed.

#7 Still in Doubt? See a Doctor

TMJ & Sleep Therapy Center of Oklahoma City is a collective of expert sleep specialists who can grant you a better quality of sleep every night. We offer you unmatched guided care. Our doctors believe the journey to good health starts with a good night's sleep. Call us at 405-947-0044 for more details!

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.