Some Facts About Sleep From The Sleep Experts

Some people do not give importance to their sleep, but it should not be like this. It can affect your body in a lot of ways. There are certain proven facts that doctors from reputed sleep clinics have claimed. Like it is seen that almost 35% of adults do not sleep for eight hours. It is also seen that sleeping too much can increase obesity, and sleeping too little can increase the risk of blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and stroke. It was found that several people tend to get sleep apnea where they have problem breathing while sleeping. Many have claimed that it can only happen to obese people, but most people who suffer from this disease are of average weight. Another fact that sleep specialists have claimed is that sleeping pills only work if you don’t have a medical condition and might stop working after some time. Sleep specialist claims that sleeping can remove toxins from your brain. There is a standard and clear connection between sleep, cognitive function, and memory.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.