Why Should You See a Specialist for TMJ Problems?

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Those who suffer from temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) are well aware of how uncomfortable it can be to live with this condition. You do not have to suffer if you choose the right treatment. You should visit your dentist for TMJ discomfort therapy for seven reasons.

Your temporomandibular joint is hardly the first thing that comes to mind when you open your mouth to talk or swallow, are you? Most individuals don't do this unless there's an issue with their computer system.

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) - Your jaw is connected to your head via this structure. You can open and close your mouth with this joint. As a result, you can eat and speak.

Because they move in various directions, these joints are complex. In the case of issues with these joints, the condition is known as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). Before going for TMJ treatment, read this post here.

Which factors contribute to the development of TMJ disorders?

It's possible to have a TMJ condition if you have problems with the muscles or joints of your jaw or face. Because many of the symptoms are also present in other conditions, it's hard to tell if you have TMJ disorder. Your dentist will guide you through the journey. The signs and symptoms of TMJ issues will be discussed in this post.

The following are the most prevalent symptoms of TMJ disorder: ear pain, headache, jaw pain and more. Contact your TMJ dentist for TMJ pain therapy if you have any of these symptoms.

  • Acute jaw, facial or ear pain

  • Headaches resembling migraines

  • Inflammation and swelling behind the eyes

  • When the mouth opens and shuts, there are clicking or popping sounds

  • Jaw that feels out of joint or locks in place

  • Tenderness or soreness of the jaw muscles

  • Swollen face

Something visible, like an injury or clenching your teeth, may have caused your TMJ to become inflamed and painful. Sometimes, though, the cause is less evident than others. TMJ can be caused by a misplaced bite, or by arthritis in the jaw.

How to treat TMJ depends on the underlying cause of the problem. Pain in the jaw joint or a difficulty with the joint itself might be associated with TMJ. It's advisable to start with a conservative treatment to deal with muscular, joints and other problems.

The Best Ways to Get Relief Fast at Home

In most cases, TMJ issues are short-lived. In most cases, people get better after receiving home-based care. It is possible for symptoms to vanish on their own, without treatment. The discomfort can come back without warning, as well.

There are several home remedies that can be used to treat a TMJ condition and most people get better with home remedies. In order to achieve the greatest outcomes, most TMJ dentists recommend a combination of the following treatments:

  • Using moist heat and ice packs

For some people, moist heat accompanied by exercise and ice packs can provide comfort. For 10 minutes, apply the heat to the side of your face and temples. Relax any stiff muscles using this technique.

You should also do some stretches. Right thumb under upper front teeth (if you have them). Grasp your lower front teeth with your right index and middle fingers. With your hands, gently separate the jaw. Your jaw muscles should not be used.

Five minutes later, apply an ice pack to the side of your face and let it sit for five minutes. Each day, repeat the routine numerous times. Patients with TMJ issues can benefit from physical therapy treatments.

  • Medications

Several drugs are available that can help. NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications) and other over-the-counter pain relievers can help reduce muscle pain and swelling.

Your jaw may need to be relaxed if you clench your teeth or grind your teeth. This is a prescription-only drug. In some cases, a doctor will prescribe anti-anxiety medication for a brief period of time.

  • Splint

Splints can help relieve joint and muscular pain caused by teeth grinding and clenching. Splints are placed over the teeth to protect them. As a result, the upper and lower teeth are unable to touch. The splint must be worn for a specific amount of time each day or night, depending on the dentist's recommendation.

Contact Comprehensive Family Dentistry in OKC if you wish to opt for TMJ treatment. Book your schedule now and get rid of this disease once and for all.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.