Various Stages of Sleep

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We think that we don’t do any work during sleep but it is not entirely true. The brain continues the work to gain the recharge for the next day. When we sleep, the chemical and physical processes are still ongoing and it helps us to continue the functions properly such as weight management, cellular restoration and heart health. Our bodies go through various stages of dreams while sleeping. We stay almost 70 and 120 minutes in every stage and it also cycles through every stage.

Whenever we don’t get sound sleep, it hampers our daily life. We cannot get energy if we don’t get enough sleep every day. Hence, when you face problems during sleep, then contact a specialist to get effective sleep remedies.

We go through the first stage for a very short time. In this stage, we transit from wakefulness into sleep. The heart rate, brain wave, eye movement and breathing activity start to slow. Slowly, we begin to relax but there are some twitches that are very common during this time. This stage is also known as the light sleep stage.

When you finally fall asleep, your body and brain start to relax. In this stage two, our brain wave activity, heart rate and breathing are slow. But remember that there are numerous quick bursts of brain activity that can be noticed. You can also easily awake in the first two stages. To get sound sleep, you must maintain proper sleep hygiene.

In the third stage, the brain waves, heart rate and breathing continue to the lowest rate. It is a deep sleep stage and in the meantime, the muscles are completely relaxed.

In the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage, our brain activity, heart rate, eye movement and heart rate start to increase. You can compare the activity with the awakened state of us. That is why we see dreams at this stage. At this time, our brain does various things like storing memories.

The Effects of Lack of Sleep

  1. You can notice frequent mood changes

  2. Memory problems

  3. You may face difficulty while thinking

  4. High blood pressure can occur.

What to Do Next?

If you face difficulty during sleep and it affects your everyday life, then contact TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Oklahoma City. If you are from OKC, then they will help you to go through the problem and get sleep remedies.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.