Tooth Fairy: The Origin and How It Affects American Kids

We all know about Santa Clause-The Easter Bunny. Has he hopped through your house at least once? Growing up in the United States means there are chances you have had a rule with these mythical creatures. No doubt, among them, the tooth fairy is the strangest one. It may seem a bit odd whenever you start to think about the concept of the American tradition of the tooth fairy.

So, how did this tradition get started? Any clue? Let’s dive into this article to discover the truth about the tooth fairy. However, remember that many people suffer from toothache and jaw pain for various reasons. Whenever you experience pain in the tooth, consider visiting a specialist to get jaw pain treatment in OKC.

Want to Hear About the Origin of the Tooth Fairy?

Folk experts have traced the origin of the tooth fairy in Northern Europe. In the 10th century, people paid tooth fees to children who lost their first tooth. In the mid-century, people associated children’s teeth with witches.

Parents often burnt out the fallen teeth because they believed a witch could gain total control over somebody just by obtaining their teeth. But the surprising fact is there is no sign of the involvement of actual fairy in the stories.

How Does the Story of the Tooth Fairy Transform?

The legend tooth deity mouse has inspired the concept of a tooth fairy. After losing their baby teeth, kids put them under their pillow, hoping the tooth fairy would exchange the tooth for money. Long ago, the tooth fairy gifted a small coin, but thanks to inflation, nowadays, the tooth fairy leaves dollars.

How to Teach Your Kids about Oral Health in Funny Ways?

● Encourage Them to Make Toothpaste

Mix four tablespoons of baking soda with one tablespoon of salt and one tablespoon of flavoring in an airtight container. There is no need to add any preservatives to the mixture. Now, name your toothpaste and add a label to the container.

● Do A Science Experiment

Encourage your kids to simulate tooth enamel by using hard-boiled eggs. You can Google the process, as various websites are full of these educational yet funny ideas.

Smile That Shines

Everybody knows the tooth fairy is inaccurate, but this is an effective way to teach your kids about the importance of oral health. Knowing from childhood helps them to maintain their oral hygiene on their own. Not to mention pediatric dentistry also offers them guidance on oral hygiene.

From regular dental requirements to specialized jaw pain treatment, TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Oklahoma City is one of the best places to visit. Contact us at 4300 N. Meridian, Oklahoma City, OK 73112, to learn more about our services in OKC.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.