Procedures to Look After Your Sleep Health

People in Oklahoma City have forgotten the importance of sleep in their lives. In this fast-paced life, people tend to do everything at night, giving sleep the least priority. This affects a person’s sleep cycle and harms the immune system, pain modulation, cognitive function, tissue healing, cardiovascular system, and memory power. If a person does not get a proper amount of sleep, they might have more anxiety attacks and attention deficits. Many studies demonstrated how physical therapy could help you get better sleep and promote wellness. Many sleep remedies are available for people suffering from a destructive sleep cycle, which can improve other health issues and pains.

Practical Information for Physical Therapy Practice

You have to follow specific sleep remedies for sleep health prevention, health promotion, and wellness intervention. The therapies follow these certain things:

  • Lay out sleep hygiene education

  • Screen for any sleep disorder and assess sleep health

  • Address sleep mobility problem

  • Give a specific exercise program

  • Consider proper positioning to have better sleep

Screening for Sleep Disorder

There are three most common sleep disorders: insomnia, restless legs syndrome, and sleep apnea. Screening is done to evaluate if the patient has any of this disorder, and then sleep remedies are prescribed to them. The therapist considers that physical condition negatively impacts sleep, and vice versa, so it drives the focus of intervention.

Your therapist is going to make a questionnaire for you to fill out so that they can assess your sleep issues. After this, your therapist might use a screening tool to further screen for common sleep disorders. Sometimes, a person who sleeps for 7 to 8 hours but still does not feel enough rested when woken up is going through a specific sleep disorder that can be evaluated through screening.

Questions Asked by the Physical Therapist

  • Do you get enough sleep?

  • Do you feel rested when you wake up?

  • How good will you rate your sleep quality?

  • Does any of your physical conditions affect your sleep?

  • Does your daily function get disturbed by being sleepy the entire day?

  • Do you have a problem falling asleep or returning to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night?

  • Do you have the habit of moving your leg while trying to sleep?

Better Sleep, Better You!

Sleep issue is prevented in the US population and can be treated by physical therapy. You can get this therapy at TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Oklahoma City by the world’s best doctors who provide world-class care for their patients.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.