6 Practices That Can Bring You Relief from Temporomandibular Joint Pain

Can you imagine a life without being able to smile, laugh, talk or chew as you please? Such is the case with patients who have contracted temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ). Thankfully, according to TMJ dentists, most symptoms of the disorder can be resolved within weeks with proper treatment and care. There are certain practices you can follow at home to manage TMJ pain.

  1. Relax Your Jaw

    Keep your jaw muscles relaxed. It is very common to not realize when you are holding your jaw taut. Practice relaxing your jaw by placing the tongue on the roof of your mouth, keeping your teeth slightly apart, and bringing your lips together. Whenever you catch yourself clenching your jaw throughout the day make a conscious effort to relax it.

  2. Maintain Good Posture

    It is important that you correct your posture to relieve jaw pain. Most of us spend long hours sitting in one position. This can be remedied by finding a chair with back support and stretching your muscles occasionally. Make sure that your seat is upright and place a pillow to support your back.

  3. Sleep Well at Night

    A good night’s sleep relaxes your body and can take away the pain from TMJ. Sleeping on your back, with pillows to support the neck is the ideal sleeping position for a patient with temporomandibular joint pain. If you like sleeping on your side, keep your hand away from the jaw. Avoid sleeping on your stomach as much as you can.

  4. Hot and Cold Compress

    Applying a hot and cold compress can be extremely beneficial for those suffering from bouts of temporomandibular joint pain. While the ice alleviates pain and swelling, heat increases blood flow in the area and relaxes the jaw muscles. Alternate between hot and cold compress for 15-20 minutes with a thin layer of clothing between your skin and the compress.

  5. Exercise Your Jaw

    To restore mobility to your jaw you can try a few exercises. Stretching, strengthening, and relaxing exercises can be combined to relieve pain.

  6. Eat with Care

    Chewing can strain a jaw already affected by TMJ. Restrain yourself to a diet of soft foods like eggs, pasta, tofu, smoothies, and oatmeal. Cut your food into bite-sized pieces and avoid hard foods. Grind your meat to refrain from having to chew too much.

How Can We Help?

Temporomandibular joint disorders significantly affect one’s quality of life. Sometimes if the pain goes unaddressed for a while, it can also escalate to more serious health conditions. TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Oklahoma City has a team of world-class TMJ dentists to offer you high-quality medical attention and treatment. Call us at (405) 947-0044 for more information on our services.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.