Can Someone Suffer from Both Hypersomnia and Sleep Apnea?


What Is Hypersomnia?

Hypersomnia is a type of sleep disorder where individuals face excessive sleepiness during the day after plenty of sleep at night. If you have this problem, it is very difficult for you to get up in the daytime and you never feel refreshed. It is a rare sleep disorder because four to six percent of the total population suffer from hypersomnia and generally women face the problem more than men. Keep in mind that it is a rare but serious sleep disorder. If you ignore this, it affects your physical and mental health. Hypersomnia is a treatable disease.

Types of Hypersomnia

There are two types of hypersomnia.

1. Primary hypersomnia

2. Secondary hypersomnia.

There is no known cause behind both primary and secondary hypersomnia. Individuals face secondary hypersomnia because of various medical conditions. Secondary hypersomnia is also known as idiopathic. It means unknown. The reasons behind secondary hypersomnia are obesity, genetics, sleep deprivation, medications, sleep disorders such as Narcolepsy and sleep apnea.

Symptoms of Hypersomnia

• You feel tired all the time

• You have to take a nap in the daytime.

• You may face difficulty while thinking and making decisions.

• You cannot concentrate on a certain matter.

• Apathy

Reasons behind Hypersomnia

You may face hypersomnia because of different environmental factors such as snoring partners, crying baby, heat or cold temperature, uncomfortable mattress. You may wake at night if you suffer from anxiety. Therefore, you feel sleepy during the daytime. If you take medications like alcohol, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, then you face difficulties while sleeping thereby disrupting the sleeping patterns. Apart from these, other issues like any type of shift work, jet legs, sleep apnea, sleepwalking may cause hypersomnia.

Sleep Apnea and Hypersomnia

According to research, sleep apnea and hypersomnia are interconnected. If you face hypersomnia, that means you may have sleep apnea also. When you talk about the symptoms and reasons behind hypersomnia, it may be possible that sleep apnea is the main reason behind your disease. The doctor can ask various questions to see if you need to change your lifestyle or you have a more serious problem. Hence, the specialist suggests a sleep test first to treat the hypersomnia, then if necessary or if the doctor suspects sleep apnea,, he or she can treat you accordingly.

Call for Professionals

If you face any type of sleeping problem, then do not ignore it. Please hurry and contact any sleep specialist in OKC as soon as possible. We, TMJ & sleep therapy Centre of Oklahoma City provides various services such as sleep apnea treatment, injection and laser therapy and many more. Check our website to book your schedule.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.