4 Effective Ways to Stop Grinding Your Teeth at Night

Grinding of the teeth is also known as bruxism. Your dental health can be compromised due to this problem. Though you can clench your teeth occasionally which is fine. But grinding your teeth for hours or every day can cause severe damage. It may impact your body throughout the day.

Many people may not even realize that they grind their teeth. The reason behind this is that they do it during the night while they are sleeping. As a result, you may experience a sore jaw and headache. People sleeping next to you may mention your teeth grinding habit. Don’t take that lightly.

If you don’t treat this problem quickly, then it can turn into a major issue. If you ever experience these symptoms and grind your teeth at night, then contact an experienced jaw pain dentist in OKC immediately.

How Can You Stop Grinding?

  1. Doing Exercise May Help You

    Doing exercise can help you to prevent grinding over time. Keep in mind that bruxism can occur due to regular stress. Doing exercise regularly can help you to release stress.

  2. Wear a Nighttime Mouth Guard

    Continuous grinding can reduce the layer of enamel on your teeth. As a result, they become more vulnerable to cavities. That's why a jaw pain dentist may recommend you to wear a mouth guard to protect the teeth.

    The experts can customize a mouth guard according to the shape of your mouth to keep your teeth safe from further grinding. Wearing a mouth guard at night is the best way to prevent sleep bruxism.

  3. Massage the Jaw Muscles

    Can you realize that your jaw clenches up when confronting a stressful situation? If you notice this, then relax your face and give the muscles a massage. If you rub the jaw, then it will help you to release the tension instantly.

  4. Must Avoid Chewy Foods

    You should say goodbye to popcorn, steak and taffy on days if the bruxism has flared up. You must not eat this kind of food because it requires lots of chewing which will wear out your jaw.

Take Care of Your Teeth

It is an extremely common case among people in the United States including OKC. If you are one of them and grind your teeth at night, then contact us at TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Oklahoma City right now!

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.