What You Must Know about COPD and Sleep Apnea

Young woman with asthma machine in light room

COPD and sleep apnea make a person to have troublesome nights to get a good sleep. Though there are awareness programs for the people suffering from COPD and sleep apnea, you need guidance from sleep specialist to get help. 65 million of people in the world suffer from the disease. Often people know the terms but do not know how to deal with.


COPD is the abbreviation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This is a term that covers disorders of lungs such as chronic asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and more.

  • Emphysema

Emphysema is long term lung condition where a person suffers from breathing shortness due to the over inflation occurring inside the lungs in the sacks. With time, this condition weakens the air sacs. It creates more space inside the lungs and the lungs get a sponge like texture. The lungs are designed to exchange gas but the lungs suffering from emphysema are destroyed that it impacts the blood vessels and affects the airflow and blood.

  • Chronic Bronchitis

This is the condition caused by smoking. It happens when the bronchial tubes start producing excess mucus. The symptoms are chest tightness, coughing and problem to breathing.

  • Chronic Asthma

If the airways are narrowed and inflamed, it can cause asthma. The persistent inflammation can cause swelling, coughing, shortness of breathing and wheezing.

What Is the Impact?

Gradually COPD worsens with time. The symptoms are not extreme but do not go easily. The major cause of this issue is smoking but being a secondary smoker or exposed to environment pollutants can make you a patient of it. Once the signs are worsening you should visit a specialist to get yourself checked and to heal symptoms.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is interruption of breathing during sleep. It can make you gasp for air and you will wake up tired and gloomy. There are multiple types of this disease – these are OSA or obstructive sleep apnea, CSA or central sleep apnea and complex sleep apnea. The most common one is OSA. When in your sleep the muscles at the throat back relax in stops oxygen flow in the body. It makes the person unable to breathe.


Both of the conditions hinder the sleep quality. These problems can cause cardiovascular problems, depression and stroke. Moreover, both the conditions increase the overall morbidity. All the factors are quite risky and need right treatment and diagnosis by a sleep specialist.

See us here at TMJ and Sleep Therapy Center of Oklahoma City. We are specialized in treating these conditions along with TMJ disorder and other sleep issues.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.