What Should You Know About TMJ Pain?

According to research, it is a type of temporomandibular disorder that leads to jaw pain in the joint and the muscles that control jaw movement. The problem cannot be identified easily but the disease can be generic in a few cases. But mainly TMJ disorder occurs due to jaw injury or arthritis. You can also experience pain in the jaw due to clenching and grinding of teeth and bruxism. Keep in mind that the pain is temporary in most cases. If you want to get rid of pain, then contact the specialist for TMJ treatment.

  • The Symptoms

  1. Headaches

  2. Toothaches

  3. Pain through the shoulder and neck

  4. Pain around the ear.

  5. Hearing problems

  6. Tinnitus

  7. Facing Difficulty opening or closing your mouth

  8. clicking sound when you open and close your mouth

  9. pain when chewing

  10. Feeling pain within your facial muscles.

  • Pain in Tooth and Damage

Many people suffer from this problem because they grind their teeth and clench their jaws at nighttime. As a result, the enamel wears away from the teeth and causes pain. You can also experience fractures and chips on your teeth. In many cases, the patients have a cracked tooth, but they cannot know about it because only the specialists can identify the problem with special equipment.

  • Pain in the Jaw

Keep in mind that jaw pain can be sharp and sudden. You can also notice that the pain gets worse in the morning which means you grind your teeth in the night during sleep. There is also a possibility that you may experience pain only in one joint.

  • Facial Pain

If you are suffering from TMJ disorder, then you can experience pain around the ears, the temples, behind the eyes and jaw and neck. As the temporomandibular joints are located near the ear canals, you can experience the symptoms due to inflammation and soreness.

  • Headaches

You can also experience intense headaches due to tight muscles throughout the jaw, face, shoulders and neck. You may feel that the origin of headaches is at the temples near the temporomandibular joints due to the pain but it is actually not there.

What to Do Next?

If you experience these symptoms, then there is a possibility that you may be suffering from TMJ disorder. The symptoms get worse if you avoid the symptoms and do not start TMJ treatment. To get rid of this problem, you can contact TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Oklahoma City. The experts will create a suitable treatment plan for you according to the condition in OKC.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.