TMJ Disorder and Its Treatment

Stressed woman complaining suffering toothache sitting on a couch at home

It's extremely annoying to feel the pain in your face, and jaw, and it's even worse when you don't know the reason behind the pain. In most cases, facial problems are related to the temporomandibular joint where your jaw intersects with your skull and when this joint does not work properly, it creates an extreme facial problem which is known as temporomandibular disorder or TMD. To understand what TMJ is and what treatment you require, you must consult a dentist who is an expert in TMD. Especially, when you are in the city of Oklahoma you can easily consult the professionals who can actually assist you for your TMJ treatment.

Symptoms of TMJ

When there is an issue with the alignment of your jaw points, it indicates your TMJ holds the jaw in an incorrect position. When this process goes continuously without being treated, the muscles in that area become fatigued and inflamed. Most common symptoms of TMJ include -

  • Pain in your jaw point

  • Facial Pain or Swelling

  • Pain in your neck and shoulders

  • Headaches

  • Earaches

  • Toothaches

  • Dizziness

  • Pain while biting

  • Pain during the act of opening and closing your mouth.

Causes of TMJ Disorder

It's difficult to determine what the exact causes are for TMJ disorder. Despite these difficulties, there are certain situations when TMJ disorder can occur:

  • Clenching jaws can put immense pressure on the TMJs.

  • Sometimes, due to uncomfortable bite, the upper jaw and the lower jaw do not fit together correctly and puts excessive stress on the TMJs.

  • Arthritis damage in joint cartilage can proceed to TMJ disorder.

  • Excessive use of chewing gum.

  • Some researchers suggest that the Hormonal problem could be an issue for TMJs disorder, especially in the case of women.

Diagnosing TMJ disorder

TMJ disorder can put a vast impact on the quality of your life as well as it leads you to several health issues. If you come to our TMJ & SLEEP THERAPY CENTRE OF OKLAHOMA CITY, Dr. Dempsey, who has been assisting patients since 1987 will take care of you. Dr. Dempsey and his staff will perform a thorough examination of your jaw for TMJ treatment to locate your jaw issues. Our custom treatment plan to assess individual needs will make sure that you are totally free from stress and pain.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.