The Process of Tooth Decay You Must be Aware of

The teeth will be damaged as a result of tooth decay. It can lead to a cavity if it isn't taken care of by orthodontic care. Tooth decay is easier to treat and slow down if it is spotted early on. Having an orthodontist look for signs of tooth decay can help you get the treatment you need to keep your teeth healthy.

Tooth decay progresses in stages and is not something that occurs instantly. When it comes to tooth decay in the mouth, your orthodontist will look for the following stages:

De-Mineralization is the first step

Plaque bacteria will begin to penetrate the enamel of teeth at this point. The outer layer of the tooth is made up of this substance. This hard tissue is made up of many different minerals that fade away as soon as plaque acids come into contact with it.

This is a process that can take time. White spots on the teeth may appear as the enamel wears away over time. One of the first signs of tooth decay that you or your dentist will notice is the loss of minerals from the teeth. Your dentist will be able to help you correct the mineral loss and strengthen your teeth with an orthodontic treatment.

Decay of the Enamel

You can find out what's wrong with your teeth in a matter of minutes thanks to regular dental exams. However, if you don't go to the dentist on a regular basis, the enamel on your teeth is going to wear away even faster. Eventually, the white spot seen earlier may darken into a brownish hue.

Teeth can develop small holes as the enamel around them begins to deteriorate. Cavities are what we call them. If you have a cavity, you should see a dentist to have it filled and sealed so that you don't get another one.

Your discomfort will increase as the acid and bacteria reach this area of the tooth. These tubes are a result of Dentin, which will have nerves running through it. At this point in time, your tooth may become extremely sensitive. When you're drinking or eating something hot or cold, you're more likely to notice this.

The Pulp Has Been Damaged

Damage to the pulp is the next stage of tooth decay. Upon emergence from the gums, each tooth's pulp will be exposed. To keep the tooth healthy, it will hold on to the nerves and blood vessels that supply it. The same nerves are also responsible for the tooth's various sensations.

An irritated and swelling tooth can be caused by tooth decay that damages the pulp. There's a good chance that the nerves around the tooth will be put under pressure because the surrounding tissues aren't able to expand.

Where to Find a Reliable Orthodontist?

At TMJ & Sleep Therapy Center of Oklahoma City, you can seek guidance from experienced orthodontists who have been serving numerous patients for decades. Book your schedule with us at Oklahoma City and get a permanent relief from your tooth decay.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.