Relying on TMJ Treatment to Shatter the Roots of Whiplash Pain

Several people in OKC face the challenging phase of whiplash injury every year. Some of them go through chronic complications, while others become permanently disabled. This injury indicates the pain in your cervical region, leading to strain. Moreover, whiplash can pave the way for TMJ pain. In such situations, relying on the best-quality tmj treatment option becomes crucial.

Several months ago, a client from OKC came to us with a whiplash injury. Although he felt hopeful about the TMJ treatment, we could sense the feeling of nervousness in his eyes. However, our board-certified doctors gave a sustainable relief to his pain, putting a vibrant smile on his face. Here are the facts you need to know regarding the whiplash injury.

Shoulder Harness and Seat Belt Lower the Chances of Injury

You must always wear a seat belt and a shoulder harness while being in a vehicle. Numerous fatal accidents occur at lower speeds too. However, your chances of surviving a crash doubles by wearing seat belts. Here are the two primary rules to follow:

  • Allow the belt to cross your shoulder and rest on your pelvis and hips.

  • Pregnant women need to place the restraint belts under and over the abdomen.

Aging Enhances the Possibility of Risk

Older people with neck complications such as arthritis are more likely to witness severe whiplash injuries. In such circumstances, the need for tmj treatment increases. With the advancement in age, the muscles begin to lose strength and flexibility, increasing the potential for damage.

Being in a Car is Not the Only Danger

Although front-or rear-impact car crashes are the primary cause of whiplash, the injury can occur anytime. For instance, you can experience whiplash from a fall or high-intensity activities such as boxing or snowboarding.

Positioning of Your Head Restraint

You must adjust the head restraint so that it stays 2 inches from the back of your head. Closer head restraints are ultra-effective in preventing neck injuries. On the contrary, setting too far back can lead to severe complications such as whiplash.

Ignoring the Symptoms Aggravates the Condition

Sometimes, people witness neck pain symptoms after a few hours, days, or weeks. Irrespective of the initiation of pain, you must never ignore it. See a well-known physician for the best tmj treatment solution.

Allow the Pain to Rest in Peace

TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Oklahoma City intends to offer world-class care to patients. Our board-certified doctors spend optimum time identifying the problem and developing the best treatment plan. Allow us to put a permanent end to your pain.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.