Myths Related to Sleep Apnea Debunked Here

Man with sleeping apnea and CPAP machine

What did you hear of sleep apnea? Sleep apnea misconceptions could be harmful if they stop people looking for treatment. Tackling the common myths and encouraging healthy sleep is the need of the hour! Before visiting a sleep clinic near you, debunk the myths here.

MYTH: Probably you've got sleep apnea if you snore.

TRUTH: This is one of sleep apnea's biggest misunderstandings. It isn't guaranteed, although snoring is often a symptom of sleep apnea. Actually, 40% of adults snore and 26% of them have sleep apnea. When tissues vibrate in the throat, snoring happens. Congestion, the nasal structure, alcohol, or a soft palate can, however, lead to it. Other snoring disorders include obesity and high blood pressure, as well as type 2 diabetes.

MYTH: You don't have to look for sleep apnea treatment.

TRUTH: Sleep apnea ought to be taken seriously. It is time to take action if you believe you have or were diagnosed with sleep apnea but have not been treated. The mental and physical health effects of unspoken sleep apnea are negative. Sleep apnea, which is left untreated, can cause high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and depression and increase your risk for a fatal impact.

MYTH: If you are young, you are safe

TRUTH: While sleep apnea is higher in older people, sleep apnea may affect everyone, including children. It affects about 10% of children between the ages of 2 and 8.

MYTH: If you are thin, it cannot affect you

TRUTH: While sleep apnea may cause obesity and vice versa, it does not indicate sleep apnea in a straight direction. The disease may affect anyone. Anyone. Genetics can sometimes contribute to the shaping of the face causing sleep apnea.

MYTH: If you only have some alcohol, you'll sleep better.

TRUTH: You might have heard people say that after consuming alcohol they sleep best. While you may have slept quickly at first, you won't get good sleep when you drink. The rapid eye movement phase of sleep is reduced by alcohol, so you will be tired even if you have apnea for sleep and drink alcohol before bed.

MYTH: CPAP masks are awkward.

TRUTH: The comfort and appearance of CPAP masks has gone a long way. There are many ways to make your choice and your machines themselves are relatively quiet. In addition, those who sleep well will look a lot better all day long.

There is a great deal of misinformation about sleep apnea and we're glad to clear the air at all times. Take all your sleep questions here with us today at our sleep clinic named TMJ and Sleep Therapy in OKC. Give us a call to book your appointment.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.