Is There Any Connection Between Circadian Rhythm and Sleep Cycle?

Everything surrounding us has a rhythm. For instance, nature also has a rhythm, right? We notice the season and weather changes, and the way the sun rises and sets. You can compare circadian rhythms like these incidents.

It is a physiological process of all living beings within about a 24-hour cycle. In general, it is created internally but some external factors such as sunlight and temperature can modify the process. To understand the pattern of our daily behavior, we need to focus on circadian rhythms. You may find that your sleep cycle is disrupted often. This is a sign of circadian rhythm malfunctioning.

However, if notice difficulties while sleeping or get disrupted, then visit a sleep clinic immediately. It has been found that people of Oklahoma suffer from sleep cycle disruption frequently. There is not denial of the fact that, a sound sleep is the main key to a healthy lifestyle. We have given you an outline of circadian rhythm in this article so that you can understand what to do.

What Are Circadian Rhythms?

We have discussed it already. In general, it controls your daily schedule like your wakefulness and sleep. The brain of an individual receives signals that activate certain hormones and the surrounding environment.

It also helps you by regulating your metabolism and alters your body temperature to keep you alert. Many people experience disturbance in this cycle on account of sleep disorders or other external factors. You should maintain healthy habits in order to respond better to this natural rhythm or else visit a sleep clinic if the problem is severe.

What Factors Can Change Circadian Rhythms?

  • Medications.

  • Stress.

  • Off-hours work shifts.

  • Poor sleep habits.

  • Dementia, head injuries.

  • Mental health conditions.

  • Work shifts with erratic hours.

  • Jet Lag Disorder.

  • Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder.

  • Irregular Sleep-Wake Rhythm Disorder.

Is the Biological Clock and Circadian Rhythm Same?

A biological clock mainly helps to regulate the timing of all the processes including circadian rhythms. Keep one thing in mind that circadian rhythm is an effect of the biological clock but they are not the same thing!

How Can It Affect Our Sleep?

It is very important because circadian rhythm is connected with our sleep cycle. The whole sleep-wake cycle depends upon the circadian rhythms. Our master clock sends signals of alertness to our body because of daylight. As a result, we stay awake and active. But during the night, the master clock generates the production of melatonin. This hormone helps us to promote sleep and sends signals so that we stay asleep through the night.

How Can You Maintain a Healthy Circadian Rhythm?

  • You must avoid caffeine

  • Do exercise daily

  • Limit light before bed

  • Follow a stable sleep schedule.

Prioritizing Good Sleep is a way of Self Love

We all know that good habits are important to support a healthy circadian rhythm and get a sound sleep. But many factors affect our sleep and so do our bodies. If you experience any trouble during sleep for several months, contact us at TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Oklahoma City.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.