How to Treat TMJ Disorders at Home

TMJ disorders can be treated at home. There are a plethora of at-home treatments that will help to ease the TMJ symptoms like discomfort and jaw pain. In this article, we will debunk some of the TMJ treatment ways that will help you to get relief from the ring of discomforts.

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Eat right foods

Soft foods like mashed potatoes and applesauce may decrease the jaw pain and discomfort. Eating hard foods like raw carrots or nuts may be painful. Instead, you can cut those foods into small bites. Chewing foods may aggravate your symptoms. Refrain yourself from having this type of food.

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Perform jaw exercises

To lessen the TMJ disorder symptoms, jaw stretches and face exercises will be appropriate medications. TMJ dentist or any other physical therapist will show how to perform the jaw exercises at home. Besides, the expert will also show you how to massage the muscles in your jaw.

Try heat or cold therapy

To relax the jaw and face muscles, you can try heat packs or ice packs. Ask the TMJ dentist about the duration of leaving the heat pack or ice pack on your mouth, followed by the proper placement of the packs.

Restrict jaw movements

Don’t move your jaw at an extreme level like yawning and yelling. It can place the tension on the TMJ. Make sure that you are not overusing the jaw muscles, as it can lead to the jaw strain.

Follow the stress management techniques

TMJ pain can be aggravated by the stress. That is why stress management techniques are essential. You can manage the stress by doing exercises, yoga, deep breathing and the guided imagery.

Wear bite guards

Wearing a bite guard will help you to stop grinding or clenching the teeth. Generally, bite guards are made of plastic. They fit in between the upper and the lower teeth that prevent the tooth from touching. Plethoras of bite guards are available in the market. Either you can choose a soft or a firm bite guard.

Unwind yourself with the aid of experts

At Dempsey Dental (located in OKC), you will get the quality care from our TMJ dentist. They will note all the symptoms and will tell about the medications. In the wake of COVID, online appointment is also available. Visit our website to know more.