How Can You Take Care of Your Orthodontic Retainer?

When the doctor removes the aligners that does not mean you do not have to take care of your teeth anymore. Retainers are important as they stabilize the new tooth arrangement. Keep in mind that the braces force the teeth to remain in the same place. Therefore, you have to use the retainers for a stipulated period of time.

Also, you may be surprised to hear that many people have to wear retainers for their whole life. But you have to at least wear it for three months depending on the condition. Here, we have shared a few tips so that you can follow them to continue your orthodontics care properly.

  • Should Clean the Retainer Regularly

You should treat the retainers like your own teeth. You should scrub the retainer with a toothbrush and wash it with water. You should avoid toothpaste while brushing the retainer because toothpaste can cause scratches.

  • Wear the Retainer

You should wear the retainer as the orthodontist recommends. If you do not use the retainer, then it will not work then. Only the retainer can help you to keep the teeth in the right position and prevent them from shifting back into their previous position.

  • Should Avoid Heat on Retainer

The doctor set the retainer in a perfect way so that it can support your tooth to stay in the right position. You should not keep the retainer in a hot environment like a hot car. Otherwise, it will melt in hot. You also should not put the orthodontics retainer in the boiling water for cleaning.

  • Keep Away the Pets from the Retainer

You may have pets in your house and that is awesome. But you should keep the retainer away from your beloved pets. Otherwise, they can ruin your retainer and apparently your beautiful smile.

  • Take Out the Retainer before Eating

You have to take the retainer before eating. Keep in mind that you cannot eat by wearing a retainer. There are also other advantages as well. The oral debris does not stick with the retainer and spread cavity.

  • Don’t Put Napkins on the Retainer

There are many people who wrap their retainer in a napkin while eating at a party. But the waiter accidentally throws the napkin in the trash. It is not possible for them to know if there is any retainer in the napkin unless you tell them. So, the best solution is that you should keep the retainer in a storage box.

  • Visit the Doctor

You should realize the fact that teeth can change our smile and look significantly. If you don’t feel confident enough because of your teeth’ position, then it’s time to visit an orthodontist. For more queries, you can contact TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Oklahoma City. They provide other services as well including TMD & TMJ, sleep apnea, pain treatments and orthopedics in OKC.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.