Helpful Tips to Stop Snoring

You don’t want your partner to spoil your good night sleep. We know how much obnoxious the sound is. Have you tried remedies before to get rid of this problem? No result still? All right, today we will share you fewer tips. These tips will definitely work as the sleep remedies for your partner. Isn’t that great?

For more information, finish the article before your coffee gets finished.

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Change in Sleeping Position

Generally, lying on the back makes base of the tongue and the pallet collapsing with throat back wall. It causes vibrating sound during sleep. Sleeping on the other side will help to prevent the same. Reclining the bed will open up the nasal passages by preventing snoring. However, it will cause neck pain. If the situation be the same, sleep apnea can be the reason. You should ask your partner to consult with a sleep specialist.

Avoiding alcohol

Alcohol and sedatives reduce the muscle tones in the back throat. Study claims, drinking consistently makes snoring worse. Research also states that, people started snoring just after drinking alcohol.

Practicing good sleep hygiene

Poor sleep habit may also have same effect like drinking alcohol. Working long hours without sleep means your partner is overtired. Finally hitting the pillows once overtired. Muscle gets floppier, that creates the snoring.

Losing weight

Weight loss can help your partner. Gaining body weight around the neck will squeeze the internal theocrat diameter. In turn, it will collapse during sleep, followed by triggering snoring. For these reasons, ask your partner to lose weight.

Nasal passage opening

Keeping the nasal passage open may help will allow air to move slowly. On top of that, a saltwater bottle will be helpful to open up the passages. A neti pot can also be used to rinse out the nasal passages. Besides, nasal strips will also work to lift the passage.

Changing pillows

There may be allergens in your bedroom. It may contribute to snoring. Dust accumulating in pillows can cause allergic reactions. It can lead your partner to snoring. Sleeping with the pet can cause breathing as animal dander is a common irritant.

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Call TMJ & Sleep Therapy of Oklahoma City

You may be frustrated by hearing your partner’s snoring. By implementing these tips, snoring could get lesser now. At TMJ & Sleep Therapy Center, expert sleep specialists can help you with the concern. Come and see us today with your partner. Book your appointment now.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.