Feeling Tired? Ditch the Caffeine and Take a Short Nap Instead
Throughout the pandemic, we all took a short power nap during the lunch break and started to work after 15 or 30 minutes. We did not understand that taking naps became our habit unless after the pandemic all the offices began to reopen again. Most of us have started working from the office again and experiencing problems after the lunch break every single day.
Now we have nothing but thinking about the good old days - we didn’t need to commute - wearing sweatpants became the office dress and the patio became our office chair. Are you familiar with this picture? Then congratulations! We are in the same team. But there shouldn’t be any guilt feeling for what we did, you know why? Let’s find out.
According to many researches, sleeping during the workday has turned into a regular part of our lives these days. This is because, experts found that a short nap is helpful to refresh your mind and body.
Though a short power nap increases your productivity, taking a nap for too long may disrupt your good night's sleep. However, even after a short 15 minutes nap you cannot get sound sleep at night for several weeks or months, contact an experienced sleep specialist in OKC immediately.
Does Napping Work?
The root cause why short naps are so beneficial is not well understood till now. The experts think that our brain cleans up the spaces full of unnecessary thoughts which can inhibit brain activity and reduce the energy stored. You may concentrate on your work better because napping helps to prevent instability in the brain’s networks.
But on the other hand, longer naps are more restorative but this habit may not be good for our overall health and sleeping condition. Taking napping for more than 60 minutes is a strict No. or else, you may feel very groggy for another hour or so.
You may not sleep at night because the longer naps fulfill your demand. Don’t hesitate to consult with a professional sleep specialist in OKC to fix the sleep issue. Otherwise, it will affect your health severely and lead to other problems.
Does Taking Short Naps Helpful for Workers?
Taking short naps has various short-term benefits. If you can’t get to sleep well at night, a short nap may provide you with refreshment. This habit also helps you to increase workplace productivity.
The report also has shown that 20 to 30 minutes of power naps boost alertness throughout the day. Just shut your eyes, take a breath slowly and recharge yourself for the rest of the working hours. Taking short naps also improves your mood and aids in stress management.
Happiness is Taking a Workday Nap
Taking a workday nap has become the new normal nowadays. Many companies embrace the idea of taking short naps to boost the productivity of their employees. But countless people cannot get a sound sleep for days or months. If you experience this sleeping problem for days, then contact our experts at TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Oklahoma City.
**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.