Differences between Mail Order Brace and Invisalign

You have two options when you need to straighten your teeth and smile but don't want to deal with traditional metal braces. Metal braces can be replaced by cheap braces, mail-order or Invisalign braces. Mail-order aligner brands allow you to do your own treatment from the comfort of your own home, but they lack the benefits of the proprietary Invisalign system.

When comparing the two types of alternative braces, you must take into account all of the distinctions before making a final decision. Here are some of the distinctions between the two, as well as why, if you have the option, you should choose Invisalign.

  1. What is included in the package?

    One of the most significant distinctions between Invisalign and Mail Order braces is what is included with the retainers. Invisalign braces come with a wide range of treatment options. These include all essential aligners and retainers, as well as all necessary dental procedures performed by your dentist.

    DIY braces, on the other hand, are usually lot less expensive at first, but they also don't come with everything you need. Mail order braces often provide a 6-month treatment, however this does not cover everything.

    The cost of the required treatments, additional aligners for refinement, and monitoring by a certified orthodontist are not included. That can add up to a lot of money, and it can also cause complications for you if your child's mail order braces take longer than six weeks to be treated.

  2. Material Quality

    Invisalign is built from a variety of high-quality materials, including the SmartTrack plastic design. SmartTrack material is made to be extremely tough, flexible, and long-lasting. Furthermore, each SmartTrack brace is surgically placed by a dentist to ensure that your teeth are correctly aligned.

    Clear braces with Invisalign SmartForce attachments and iTero Scanning are also available. These are materials that have been patented for use with the treatment and are not accessible elsewhere. They are only to be used by licensed dental professionals in the office to treat patients.

    Mail-order braces lack that level of quality, and they don't have access to patented technology like SmartTrack polymers. They use cheap generic plastic that isn't as sturdy or flexible as it should be. When compared to Invisalign aligners, mail order aligners are not as well manufactured. Invisalign is a patented clear aligner brand that can only be used by licensed orthodontics. If you see DIY braces being sold with the promise of using Invisalign technology, this isn't the store for you.

  3. X-rays are used by the aligners

    X-rays are required for any orthodontic treatment, and you must get them regardless of the type of cheap braces you require. X-rays are included in the cost of Invisalign, but you must pay for them separately with mail-order firms. This is not included in the price of your clear aligner treatment.

  4. They don't treat the same illnesses in the same way

    While mail order aligners can help you straighten your teeth and align them, they can only help with mild to moderate cases. Mail Order Aligners require you to complete all of the work without the assistance of an orthodontist, thus you can only do the bare minimum without additional assistance.

    Attachments, which are designed to provide your aligners a greater grip, are also not used with mail order aligners. These Invisalign attachments, on the other hand, are used with Invisaligners and can also be employed for more complicated instances. While ordering and using your invisaligners, you will be working with an Orthodontist who can ensure that you are doing it appropriately. The orthodontist will be able to provide you with complete support and assistance as things go.

    Invisalign can treat a far wider range of problems than mail-order clear aligners, as well as more serious instances.

  5. The Difference in Speed

    While some Mail Order Aligners claim that you can see results in as little as six months after taking their product, we know that this is not the case. After six months, only mild and moderate instances work well, while longer cases will require more time. Without the help of an orthodontist, determining how much time you require is quite difficult.

You may have difficulty determining if difficulties occur unless you are under the direct care of a certified orthodontist. You will work with an orthodontist to ensure that you are ready to go.

Furthermore, even with more challenging cases, Invisalign may consistently produce results in 6 months. Invisalign also has a number of other advantages that aid in speed, such as all of the integrated and patented technology. The Invisalign braces are custom-made and tailored to your specific needs, providing you with a step-by-step plan to move your mouth from where it is to where you want it to be. As you progress through the process, the Invisalign braces will provide you with more benefits, and your dentist here at TMJ will be there to help you with any issues that arise. For details regarding braces see us at Dempsey Dental i.e. TMJ and Sleep Therapy Center of Oklahoma City.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.