Are You Supposed to Believe the Gum Contouring Myths?

Have you always been conscious about your smile? Do you feel that you are not able to show your teeth off when you are smiling? Have you ever felt the need to see a jaw pain dentist in OKC? Well, you are not alone.

There are many people who want to have those pearly white teeth that you long for and there is no harm in it. If you see your dentist, they will can guide you and help you choose among the different available methods for this. One of the procedures is having your gum contoured.

What is Gum Contouring?

When you smile, part of your gum being displayed is normal. But some of you may notice excess gum showing while smiling. This may make your teeth look shorter. Also, this may make your smile look a little crooked as the gum tissue is not as even as your teeth. You may meet your orthodontist to get your gum contoured. If you are worried about gum contouring and myths related to it, here are some of the myths that we have busted.

  • Gums Can Grow Back

You may have just heard from someone that visiting a jaw pain dentistin OKC for gum contouring is unnecessary because your gum will regrow. Of course, this is a myth. Once you lose a part of your body, your body heals the wounds but does not grow it back. So, once the excess gum is removed, your body will not grow it back.

  • Scalpel Used for Gum Surgery Can Leave Scar

Yes, there are some jaw pain dentistsin OKC who use scalpel to remove your excess gum. But there are also some orthodontists who use laser to contour your gum. However, whether using scalpel or laser, you can rest assured that none of the processes will leave any scar behind. The process might take a couple of hours depending on the amount of gum tissue that your dentist has to remove.

You may feel some tenderness and sensitivity in your gum. But it will go away pretty soon. You dentist might recommend you to take a day off as the sedation might make you feel groggy. You can follow some after care procedures like using soft brush for brushing, eating soft food, etc. so that your gum heals faster.

Your Smile Is Precious

If you are still not sure about having your gum contoured, you can visit TMJ & Sleep Therapy Center of Oklahoma City. We are here to provide you with all the answers to your question regarding visiting a jaw pain dentist in OKC.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.