A Few Tips for Seniors to Get a Sound Sleep

As time passes, we may experience a few changes in our life patterns. We may sleep earlier, wake up earlier and do not experience deep sleep. We all know that sound sleep helps you to repair any cell damage in your body and improve memory formation and concentration.

But the senior people who cannot sleep well due to their age may suffer from memory problems and depression. This sleep condition can also increase the risk of diabetes, weight problems, cardiovascular disease and breast cancer in women.

According to the report, 40% to 70% of older adults suffer from sleep problems. If you are experiencing less sleep for a couple of weeks or months, then contact any sleep specialist as soon as possible.

Why Do Seniors Face Problems While Sleeping?

As people age, their sleep pattern changes slowly. A kid may need 9-12 hours each night and a senior person needs 7-9 hours. You may experience a few changes such as shorter sleep duration, less nighttime, more daytime naps and disturbed sleep during the night. According to the Sleep Medicine Clinics, healthier senior people experience sound sleep. But the people who cannot sleep much because of a few factors including:

  1. Changes in their circadian rhythm.

  2. Shifts in melatonin levels and hormones.

  3. Sleep pattern changes.

The Other Factors

Senior people experience less sleep due to other factors as well. The following are:

  1. Reduced physical activity may cause less sleep.

  2. Sleep disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia.

  3. Nighttime disturbances such as getting up to use the bathroom and pain.

  4. Specific medicines.

  5. If you are suffering from periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), restless legs syndrome (RLS) and REM sleep behavior disorder.

The Effective Tips

  • Boost Your Melatonin Levels Naturally

If you turn on the artificial light while sleeping, then it may disrupt your sleep. The reason behind this is that artificial light can suppress the production of melatonin in your body. Therefore, you should use low-wattage bulbs and turn off the computer and TV an hour before bedtime.

  • Ensure That Your Bedroom Is Dark, Cool and Quiet

As you age, you may become more sensitive to sound, light and heat during sleep and it leads to sleep problems. You can use earplugs, a sound machine, or a sleep mask to get a sound sleep.

  • Create Your Own Bedtime Ritual

You can play music, take bath or exercise relaxation methods such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation.

  • Avoid Taking Sleeping Pills

You should know that sleeping pills have many side effects and you should not use them for the long term.

  • Cut Down On Sugary Foods

If you eat food full of refined carbs and sugar such as white rice, pasta, white bread and French fries, then it can cause sleep disturbance at the night.

Contact Us

If you experience sleepless nights for a few weeks or months, then it’s time to visit a sleep specialist immediately. You can also contact TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Oklahoma City. The experts will find out the main reason and treat your problem right away in OKC.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.