5 Things That Can Happen if TMJ Disorder Left Untreated

The woman has a sore ear - infection, inflammation from infection and otitis. Perforation ruptured the eardrum. Arthritis of the temporal lower jaw joint, osteoarthritis and pain in the jaw

TMJ disorder begins in the jaw, but it does have wide-ranging effects beyond temporomandibular joints. The longer you wait to treat your TMJ, the greater your probability of developing severe symptoms. Unfortunately. Demsey Dental is a renowned expert in TMJ treatment and disorder. It is crucial because TMJ pain needs to be fully understood and a personal treatment plan must be developed that addresses the root of your side effects.

  • Damage of Joint with Chronic Pain in Jaw

If you first develop TMJ symptoms, your jaw may become more and more stressful or even chew gum or open your mouth too large or when you yawn.

Damage to the time-consuming joint accumulates over time, which results in chronic pain and other distressing signs such as jaw cracks, popping and locking. Inconvenience and inflammation can broaden beyond your joints and cause pain on the face, neck and shoulders.

If the bones in your joints have deteriorated to the point that they no longer function, it may take surgery to alleviate your pain. To prevent permanent joint injury or dislocation in the jaw, a quick response to TMJ pain is important.

  • Headache

The symptoms of TMJ disorder are commonly headaches and migraines. In fact, headaches are one of the most common symptoms. Since these headaches are always due to inflammation in the joint, they may become paralyzing and chronic, because the cause underlying them is never overcome as soon as your pain relievers or muscle relaxers wear off. You may miss work, school, and even major life events with chronic headaches.

  • Oral Health Compromised

Untreated TMD is associated with the grinding of teeth and the clenching of the bone, which remove tooth enamel over time. In addition, TMJ disorder may result in irregular dental wear, asymmetric muscle growth and uneven face swelling since one part of the jaw is often preferred over the other. You may be affected by this if you avoid TMJ treatment.

  • Problems with Hearing

Since the time-based joints close the ear canals, TMD symptoms are often present in patients' ears. Untreated TMJ may cause tinnitus, which may make sleeping and focusing difficult, as well as feelings of completeness or stuffiness in the channels. Since the body has a balance in the inner ears, inflammation of muscles associated with TMD can influence balance, leading to dizziness, vertigo and instability.

Additional Symptoms

Tension and TMD pain can cause devastating effects all over your body. Patients suffering from chronic, untreated TMJ can feel numbness or pinching in the hands and fingers, have one shoulder that is higher than the other or even notice that when they look at their heads in the mirror or pictures, they are inclined to the side.

Learn more TMJ Disorder More

Are you suspected of TMJ disorder? Demsey Dental will listen to your symptoms, evaluate your jaw and its joint and diagnose the root cause of your pain to determine the best course of TMJ treatment for your special needs. Contact us today in OKC to arrange a consultation appointment.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.